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ACT v17 Virtual Roadshow

ACT! v17 is right around the corner.  We're holding a virtual roadshow to highlight the new features, fixes and enhancements as well as showcasing existing capabilities added in the last few releases.  This is not simply a "show you the new stuff" webinar.   This is a day in the life Acme Manufacturing.  We'll show you how to take your prospect from lead to customer, keep track of equipment, update purchases from your Quickbooks back into ACT and generate amazing quotes. This

Business Improvement - it's a process not a tool

Yet again, I met with a new client to discuss their current business "problem" or like I call them - "challenge."  The client called me looking for a silver bullet or tool.  By the end of the discussion, I believe I had them headed down the right path - that of better defining the process and problem and coming up with an appropriate solution that may or may not be based on a specific tool. This happens all the time.  That made me realize it would make a good blog article.  

Information Theft - when is it not cool to copy words

A client of mine called me last week concerned about some of his information showing up on a competitor's blog. When we looked at the article, it was very apparent that entire paragraphs had been copied and used in the blog. This indeed was plagerism and he called me for advice on his next steps. My client started blogging at my suggestion and I've been giving him advice on how to properly blog, including blogging etiquette. Playing nice, asking permission, and insuring that he also cited his

Act.Framework.MutableEntities.MutableEntity + FieldCollection + EmptyValueFieldException - Say What?

So you have a copy of our Duplicate Remover Wizard Expert for Act! and have set out to manage/reduce the duplicate contacts or companies in your Act! data base.  You run the program and it finds a good set of duplicates and you set the program to merging the records.  All indications are progress is being made.  Then, the next thing you see is this: The screen that then comes up appears to be filled with messages like this. Working on Fred Flintstone 8/31/2012

ACT Client vs Web Features - Updated

I wrote this blog post a while ago and thanks to a request from a reader, I am updating it to be reflective of what is available now in ACT v16.  I have highlighted in RED the new features. We get this question so often I thought I'd post a blog article showing the main differences.  ACT for Windows has more options because it runs on the Windows platform.  The web version, being accessed via a browser will have limitations because of the browser interface.  Quite a bit of

What does CRM mean to you?

CRM. We have all heard that term by now. To many it means having a process in place to manage customer relationships. To others it is a tool. To me, it's all of the above. But before you can define what CRM means to you, you need to have an end goal in mind. What is the end result you want to accomplish. Are you small business trying to get new customers? Are you a large organization wanting to reach out to existing clients to improve the relationship you have with them? Are you suffering from

Stonefield Query for ACT new release

One of our favorite reporting tools for ACT and SQL is Stonefield Query.  They have issued a new release. In this release: 1. Stonefield Query is compatible with the new Act! 2014 Service Pack 1 (16.1). 2. A new chart type is now available: Donut, which is similar to Pie but with a hole in the middle. 3. New fields "Activity User ID", "Activity User Name", and "Is Organizer Record" have been added to the Company Activity, Contact Activity, Group Activity, and Opportunity Activity tables

Quotewerks 4.9 Build 7 update

Quotewerks has released 4.9.7 of their software Since October 1, 2013, there have been 16 QuoteWerks updates released containing over 145 new featurs.  We love Quotewerks and whenever they come out with an update it's always full of improvements.  The integration with ACT is seamless and makes creating opportunities a snap. Nice new features are a scripting language, undo/redo on multiple levels, a dashboard, Google contacts as a source for Contacts, and an active

Patricia Egen Consulting, LLC

803 Creek Overlook, Chattanooga, TN 37415
Main office: 423-875-2652 • Arizona office: 480-788-7504 • Florida office: 754-300-2827