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When people don't want to pay for consulting

Once again we are sitting around the business "camp fire" discussing why people think it is not fair when we say we charge for answering questions. We are a consulting firm. That's what we do. The advantage we have over other support numbers is we know the answers quicker so it may take someone 1 hour of waiting on hold for a support person who "may" know the answer when we answer the phone immediately (usually...) and have the answer within 5 to 15 minutes or less. So, they are already ahead of

Notes and History Report in Sage ACT. Are you working too hard?

[caption id="attachment_1300" align="alignleft" width="210"] Are you working too hard on your Sage ACT report?[/caption] Just got off the phone with a client and realized this might be a great blog article. The most loved/feared report in Sage ACT is the Notes/History report.  This shows what you have been (or - this is the feared part - haven't been doing) over the last several weeks.  I can always tell when someone is having an issue with their database when we get the Friday or

Any news or Is this dead? Subject lines to get a response

Recently two of my staff were having a discussion about ways to get people to let us know if a quote was still a go.  One of my people came from an organization that was very aggressive in their sales techniques.  He wasn't really fond of that aggression nor are aggressive tactics our style, but he remembered something that actually worked really well.  You put either ANY NEWS or IS THIS DEAD? in the subject line of an email.  Nothing goes in the body of the email

Editing the Host file with Windows 7

After upgrading to Office 2010 I noticed I could no longer get a Record History box to come up after printing a mail merge document in Sage ACT.  This is how it has worked forever.  I did some research and found one of the solutions was to ensure that a line was on the Hosts file in Windows.  Microsoft had sent out an update to "protect" computers from malware and in the process commented out a line that ACT needed to make the Office and ACT connection work. So, armed with this

The changing world of Sales and Marketing

A few months ago I had a great lunch with a friend here in town who owns a marketing firm that has a particular emphasis on social media.  One of the things we discussed is the changing face of marketing.   What is also changing is the role of sales and salespeople. My company is really starting to focus on changing how we sell and market based on what I am seeing in the industry.  The whole topic gave me the idea for today's post. I’m going to start it off with

Adding double quotes to text in Excel

If you have ever worked with drop down lists in Sage ACT, you know that you can import items to populate the list.  The list has to be a text file with the items one per line, enclosed in double quotes. I like to use Excel to key in the data, sort it, remove duplicates, etc.  Then save the file as a text file.  However, it doesn't put in the double quotes. Here's a formula you can insert in a column next to the data.  Assume the text items are in the A Column. =concatenate

Sage ACT! 2013 Service Pack 1 now available

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Service Pack 1 for Sage ACT! (Pro and Premium) was released yesterday (January 8, 2013).  This release addresses issues that users have requested in Sage ACT! and focuses on staying current with technology trends. The most significant changes to this release are compatibility updates to fully support the following new platforms: Microsoft Windows 8 Windows Server 2012 Windows SBS 2011 Internet Explorer 10 IOS 6 for iPhone and iPad The Social Updates feature, introduced in the

Viewing custom dashboards on the Web

I just learned something and thought I'd pass it along to people who are interested in Sage ACT dashboards and viewing them on the web. Behind the scenes, there is an XML file located in the Tools folder under Program Files that controls what templates are available for building dashboards in Sage ACT.  You can create your own SQL commands and embed them in this file by following the instructions at the top of the XML file. Ok, so, if you add this SQL statement to the Act.dashboard.

Patricia Egen Consulting, LLC

803 Creek Overlook, Chattanooga, TN 37415
Main office: 423-875-2652 • Arizona office: 480-788-7504 • Florida office: 754-300-2827